Pipes and Cigars is a website geared towards pipe and tobacco enthusiasts. I’ve been able to reach out to this audience by conceptualizing and designing a multitude of engaging Social Media graphics. The overall look and feel of the Pipes and Cigars brand is rustic, vintage, and hand drawn. It’s important for that visual brand to be carried throughout their Social Media presence.
Mathway uses social media to connect with users on a daily basis. These posts are just a few of many that I have created. I aim to catch the viewer's eye while scrolling through their feed. My goal is to intrigue the audience about Mathway and to also inspire them. I design a variety of posts every week which include: math facts, inspirational quotes, math quiz images, holiday themed posts and more.
These Thompson Cigar ads were part of a 30 second video spot and were meant to draw the customer in to purchase from Thompson for their summer cigar enjoyment.